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Places (restricted)

The /places routes return place entities, which represent real-world point-of-interests (building, station, shop, office, etc...).


The /places/ endpoints are restricted for internal use only, both for read and write. They cannot be accessed via a public API token.

Get places by ids

GET /places/findByIds?place_ids=021b293db598402ec928ec56,07e19d5e63ee449019a1b384
Example Response

"status": "ok",
"data": [
"id": "021b293db598402ec928ec56",
"land_id": "881f90254dfffff",
"name": "Le Bar d'à Côté",
"subtitle": "Bistro",
"category": "bar",
"latlng": {
"latitude": 45.768223,
"longitude": 4.845756
"address": "27 rue de Sèze, 69006 Lyon",
"photos": [
"popularity": 0.96573395,
"rating": 8.9,
"website": ""

Get places by location (and optionnal k-ring)

See Get Lands for k explanation

GET /places/findByLocation?land_id=8818699b1bfffff&k=1


GET /places/findByLocation?lat=45.9&lng=1.5&k=1
Example Response

"status": "ok",
"data": [
"id": "021b293db598402ec928ec56",
"land_id": "881f90254dfffff",
"name": "Le Bar d'à Côté",
"subtitle": "Bistro",
"category": "bar",
"latlng": {
"latitude": 45.768223,
"longitude": 4.845756
"address": "27 rue de Sèze, 69006 Lyon",
"photos": [
"popularity": 0.96573395,
"rating": 8.9,
"website": ""