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Error Responses

There are two types of error responses:

  • HTTP Errors means that the client didn't make a valid request
  • Internal Server Errors means that the request was valid, but could not be fulfulled by the server

If everything went fine, the response will be formatted in JSON and contain "status": "ok" .


When quering an entity by id, if the id is well formatted but does not exist in the database, the id will be ignored instead of throwing an error. It it therefore possible to receive a status ok response with and empty data field.

Internal Server Errors (status code == 500)

When the response status is 500 InternalServerError , this means that the request made by the caller is valid. However, if something went wrong while handeling the request, the server will return a error message formatted like this :

HTTP/1.1 500 InternalServerError
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

"status": "error"
"error_type": "Internal Server Error"
"error_message": "The error message, in plain english"

HTTP Errors (other status codes)

When the reponse contains a status code that is neither 200, nor 500, it usually means that a mistake was made on the caller's side (e.g request badly formatted or invalid authentification token)

For example, the response for an invalid token is:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

"status": "error"
"error_type": "Unauthorized Error"
"error_message": "The error message, in plain english"