📄️ Introduction
This documentation is still WIP. If you notice any typo, broken link or other issue for the API or documentation, make sure to file a Github Issue by clicking on the Report an issue button at the top right corner.
📄️ Getting Started
The API endpoint can be found at https://terra.neopolis.app
📄️ Error Responses
There are two types of error responses:
📄️ Countries
The /countries/ routes return countries in the world.
📄️ Cities
The /cities routes return a curated list of all cities in the world
📄️ Lands
The /lands/ routes return land entities, which represent hexagonal terrains indexed on h3. All lands have an h3 resolution of 8. Lands are the building block of Terra and are associated to a closest city and to biomes .
📄️ Markers (restricted)
The /markers/ routes return marker entities, which represent real-world point-of-interests with just enough data te be displayed on a map.
📄️ Places (restricted)
The /places routes return place entities, which represent real-world point-of-interests (building, station, shop, office, etc...).
📄️ Biomes
There are 10 biomes (all associated to a biome index from 0 to 9 + the NoData biome)
📄️ Langcodes
The complete list of available langcodes is :
📄️ References
Terra data sources
📄️ Stats by country
| id | name | continent | major | population | landcount | citiescount | truedesert (%) | semiarid (%) | grassland (%) | forest (%) | saltpan (%) | wetland (%) | ice (%) | water (%) | cropland (%) | builtup (%) | ocean (%) |